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HANET works access to Clean Water

HANET works access to Clean Water

Good health depends on clean, disease-free water. When you give clean water, illness from water-borne diseases and parasites no longer holds families in a cycle of sickness and poverty. Parents are strong and able to work, children can focus and learn at school, and entire villages become healthy. Access to safe, disease-free water is often a critical first step toward transformation for an entire village.

HANET has made a tremendous commitment and contribution to enhancing efforts to improve access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities for displaced families (IDPs) and vulnerable households by National and County governments. HANET Organization has utilized diverse methods and approaches, including working directly with communities, institutions such as schools and health facilities as well as corporation with other key actors, in order to address water, sanitation and hygiene-related challenges in many parts of Kenya and Somalia.

Over the past two decades, we have managed to reach out to more than 400,000 community members with improved water supply infrastructure through borehole rehabilitation, construction of storage tanks and reticulation systems, installation of hybrid solar systems and gen-sets to borehole as well as emergency water supply to vulnerable households and their livestock. Other interventions such as the construction of gender-sensitive latrines, distribution of hygiene items, hygiene information, and education were carried out at various parts across these countries.

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential for children and their families to live healthy, prosperous lives. WASH is at the core of child health and development and is vital for a child’s well-being. We focus on bringing clean water, dignified sanitation and effective hygiene practices to communities, schools and healthcare facilities.

Clean and safe water supplies reduce the time needed to collect water. This allows children to attend school and parents, particularly mothers, to have more time to generate income for their families. Safe, private toilets and handwashing facilities with soap keep children and families free from disease.

WASH services at school mean that children can stay healthy and focused on learning. And healthcare facilities equipped with WASH services mean a higher quality of care for patients, including mothers and their newborn babies.

There is still work to be done. More than 700 children still die each day due to diarrhea caused by unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. The world has made a commitment to ensure that everyone has access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene by 2030. This goal is known as Sustainable Development Goal.

Our commitment is to ensure clean water, sanitation and hygiene for everyone, everywhere we work, by 2030.

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